
外交论谈 | 新冠疫情“兵临城下” “巴铁”兄弟如何应对?

成锡忠 外交官说事儿 2022-07-19






What is the current threat of COVID-19 for Pakistan? This question reminds me of a Chinese idiom " the city is besieged by enemy troops". On one hand, the global epidemic is becoming more and more serious, and on the other hand, neighboring Iran in the west is now a disaster area. I feel that Pakistan is surrounded by the epidemic and is facing a very serious situation.




On March 28, the number of confirmed cases has gone up sharply to 104,839 , which has made the United States the most seriously affected country in the world. Now, there are about 1,400 confirmed cases in Pakistan. It's hard to say what will happen if the most stringent prevention and control measures are not taken immediately.



The epidemic in China has now been effectively controlled. At that time, the epidemic was mainly in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, and it was not very serious in the rest of China. But in Pakistan, the epidemic has spread all over the country. It is the most serious in Sindh Province and Punjab Province and there are also many confirmed cases in Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan and Islamabad.




Due to the increasing severity of the epidemic, the Pakistani government has gradually taken some control measures:



On March 23, after consultation with the provincial governments, the federal government of Pakistan began to deploy troops throughout the country to block major cities.



On March 24, Pakistan Civil Aviation Administration announced that from March 26 to April 2, flight of all types of aircraft in the country would be suspended; in the capital Islamabad, all public transport services have been stopped, and all shops except large department stores and drugstores have been closed.


As a friend of Pakistan, I would like to say that these measures are far from enough in controlling the rapid spread of the epidemic.


The spread ability of COVID-19 is very strong, and the spread speed is very fast. Now, there are about 1,400 confirmed cases in Pakistan, and if 10 people are infected by one person, that is 140,000 cases.



Pakistan is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of more than 200 million, 23 million in Karachi and 10 million in Lahore. The population density of Pakistan is higher than that of China. In China, there are 145 people per square kilometer and in Pakistan, there are 256 people per square kilometer.


Therefore, if we do not take strictest and most effective prevention and control measures immediately, the consequences will be unimaginable.




We believe that the most effective way to prevent and control the epidemic is to block the flow of population. Under the command of the central government, the Chinese people all consciously stayed at home in consideration of national interests.



At the moment of the epidemic, the Pakistani government initially  seemed uncertain about the closure of the cities. Prime Minister Imran Khan once said that it would be difficult to do so in Pakistan. If the cities were closed, a large number of people would starve to death.



I fully understand the difficulties faced by the Pakistani government. Pakistan has a relatively high proportion of poor people who depend on their daily income to support their families. If the cities are closed, they will lose their poor daily income and cannot continue to support their families.



On March 26, I said a word to a friend from Pakistan: "Although Prime Minister Imran Khan has stressed that Pakistan cannot seal the cities, I think the sharp deterioration of the epidemic may force the Pakistani government to finally decide to seal the cities, but by then it will be too late." Two days later, I saw a piece of information that Pakistan has begun to implement extremely strict closure measures across the country.


Pakistan is a country with an agricultural population of more than 43%, and about two-fifths of the country's 75 million labor force is in the countryside. Once the epidemic spreads in rural areas, Pakistan's agriculture will suffer a fatal blow.



In order to control the epidemic, Pakistan will reduce wedding and funeral parties, close gambling and entertainment facilities, and occupancy rate of high-end hotels and social functional services will decline. In addition, due to the disruption of the supply chain, the flour and sugar industries related to people's livelihood will be seriously affected, and prices may continue to rise.


In Pakistan, overseas remittance is the main source of foreign exchange. Since the Middle East and European and American countries have entered the initial stage and peak period of the epidemic successively, Pakistanis working in the Middle East, Europe and the United States will have a significant reduction of remittance.



Similarly, Pakistan's export will decrease rapidly. Examination delay, school closing, private enterprise closing down and unemployment increasing will seriously affect the economy and people's normal life.





The relationship between economy and sealing off the cities from all outside contact is dialectical. In the short term, the closure of the cities certainly affects the economy and everyone's life, but if the cities are not closed, leading to a large-scale outbreak of the epidemic, the whole economy will be fatally hit for decades. By blocking the flow of population and keeping everyone at home as much as possible, we can effectively slow down the spread of the virus.


据巴基斯坦《黎明报》3 月19日报道,18日巴计划部与亚开行、世行等国际金融组织召开会议,讨论巴疫情应对和开展国际合作相关措施。






Whether Pakistan has the economic strength to support the fight against the epidemic, reminds me of China's Anti-Japanese War and War of Liberation, and the wars in Afghanistan.


Before liberation, China was very poor and had no economic strength at all. However, with an indomitable national spirit, the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, defeated the Japanese invaders and wiped out 8 million Chiang Kai Shek's army.


Afghanistan has never had economic power, but Afghanistan defeated not only the Soviet invasion, but also the armed occupation of the United States.



Pakistan's economy has suffered a lot, and its economy and finance have been in a difficult state for a long time, mainly due to the 20-year war in Afghanistan and terrorism caused by the war. Pakistan's total economy is only 312.8 billion U.S. dollars, and its per capita GDP is only 1560 U.S. dollars, making it one of the poorest countries in the world.




Now, Pakistan is suffering from double disasters. On one hand, it needs to fight against the epidemic, on the other hand, it needs to fight against the locust disaster. But I feel that Pakistan has a strong tenacity and the courage to overcome all kinds of difficulties. Therefore, I firmly believe that the Pakistani government, military and people have the ability to overcome difficulties and achieve final victory in fighting the epidemic.


At the time of Pakistan's disaster, international community is providing assistance to Pakistan.The International Monetary Fund, the world bank and the Asian Development Bank have almost agreed to lent Pakistan a total of 3.7 billion U.S. dollars.




China and Pakistan are friends who share weal and woe. After the outbreak of the epidemic in Pakistan, the Chinese side has lost no time in sharing prevention and control programs, diagnosis and treatment programs and knowledge base of COVID-19. Video conferences have been held to introduce the Chinese experience to the Pakistani counterparts about how to deal with COVID-19, and the two sides have exchanged ideas on issues of common concern.



China has provided Pakistan with test kits, medical protective clothing, medical N95 masks, medical surgical masks, respirators and other medical materials in four batches.


At the same time, at the request of the Pakistani side, the Chinese side has organized an anti-epidemic medical expert group to visit Pakistan. The Chinese expert group will go to all parts of Pakistan to carry out on-site technical exchanges and experience sharing with Pakistan brothers.




China will also support Pakistan in building a temporary isolation hospital. Chinese enterprises and non-government organizations are also actively assisting Pakistan. Among them, the masks and other anti-epidemic materials donated by Ma Yun foundation and Alibaba foundation to Pakistan arrived in Karachi on March 25; Xinjiang of China, at the request of Gilgit-Baltistan, has also provided anti-epidemic material assistance to the region.

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文字 | 成锡忠 图片 | 网络编辑 | 外交官说事儿  元元







